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Ottawa University Archives Guide

To Maintain the current archives website which has disappeared from the main library site.



Use the Gangwish Library Catalog to search for and locate Videos and Media held by the Library.



The Gangwish Library's Videos are located in the middle of the Averyt Reading Room, on the Periodical Rack next to the large windows. Videos are shelved in order by Dewey number. Video cases on the rack will be empty. To checkout a video, please ask a librarian or a library aide to add the video cd to your case for checkout at the desk.

Video and Game title catalog records can be viewed and are available in our EOS Library Catalog. Videos are available for 7 day checkout and can be renewed for an additional 7 days.



Additional media such as board games, an X-Box and X-Box console and X-box games, can also be checked out from the Myers Service Desk in the Gangwish Library. Games also circulate for 7-days. The X-Box may not leave the Gangwish Library Building, and can be used with TV's in the study rooms or in the Game Room.