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Ottawa University Archives Guide

To Maintain the current archives website which has disappeared from the main library site.


Adelaide Dicklow
HideAdelaide Dicklow (.docx, 14K
Early OU Professor Portraits
HideDr. Hume's Address (.pdf, 3784K
Elmer Manley (.pdf, 6147K
George Sutherland 1884-1890 (.pdf, 24419K
Historical Ottawa University
HideB. Smith Haworth's Ottawa University (.pdf, 4222K
OU January 27, 1913 (.pdf, 9602K
Glipses of the past (.pdf, 2443K
Historical Sketch of OU (.pdf, 1808K
Three glipses (.pdf, 1767K
Manuscript of the Early History of Ottawa University (.pdf, 12466K
Ottawa University (.pdf, 3032K
OU October 9, 1915 (.pdf, 26201K
Lulu Brown
HideLulu Brown (.docx, 130K

A historical portrait of OU Professor, Lulu Brown.

Research about Lulu Brown (.docx, 51K
Picture of Lulu Brown (.jpg, 242K
Philetus Fales
HideDartmouth Necrology Sheet (.jpg, 93K
Philetus Fales (.docx, 34K

A portrait of Philetus Fales, Principal of OU.

Philetus Fales, 1849 (.pdf, 296K
Mrs Fales and OU (.pdf, 2569K
Milan Ward
HideMilan Ward (.pdf, 14312K
Letter and records of OU's attempt to establish an Indian department (.pdf, 2255K
Milan Ward (.JPG, 42K
Silas Eber Price
HideSilas Eber Price (.pdf, 19688K
W B Wilson
HideWB's Story (.pdf, 77197K