ALFRED: (Archival Economic Data) "allows you to retrieve vintage versions of economic data that were available on specific dates in history."
American FactFinder: "source for population, housing, economic, and geographic information."
Bureau of Economic Analysis: from the U.S. Department of Commerce on national, international, regional, industry, and integrated accounts.
Cassidi: (Banking Competitive Analysis) "banking competition information needs."
Census Bureau: information on population, houscing, economic and geographic information.
Economic Indicators: "12 monthly and quarterly Principal Federal Economic Indicators collected by its constituent bureaus: the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)."
Fed in Print: "a comprehensive index to Federal Reserve research."
FRASER: (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research) "preserves and provides access to economic and banking data and policy documents."
FRED: (Federal Reserve Economic Data) "download, graph, and track 61,000 U.S. and International Time Series from 48 sources."
GEOFRED: (Geographical Economic Data) "a web application that allows users to create thematic maps of U.S. economic data for geographies including states, counties, and metropolitan statistical areas. Maps can be created from over 12,000 regional data series available in the FRED® database. Regional data series include civilian labor force, residential population, and unemployment rate. Various tools allow users to customize and print these maps."