Finding new hard copy books about Governments, Politics, Economics can be tricky at the library because collections are dated and have not been updated because the emphasis is on making e-resources available to students at Ottawa University online. The resources below will help you to find the limited resources that are available on the shelf at the physical library. If you find that you will need an Interlibrary Loan because a book you need is not available, please contact Megan Love at
Please note that book resources are not available via ILL to students at a distance because of checkout time limitations. As a result, only students at the College may request ILL books and students at a distance will need to contact their public library for Book resources. Article resources are much easier to acquire for students at the sites and can be requested at
The best place to look on the library shelf would be in the 300's or Social Science classification area and a second place to look would be in the 900's..
300 Social sciences
301 Sociology & anthropology
302 Social interaction
303 Social processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Social groups
306 Culture & institutions
307 Communities
308 Not assigned or no longer used
309 Not assigned or no longer used
310 General statistics
314 General statistics Of Europe
315 General statistics Of Asia
316 General statistics Of Africa
317 General statistics Of North America
318 General statistics Of South America
319 General statistics Of other parts of the world
320 Political science
321 Systems of governments & states
322 Relation of state to organized groups
323 Civil & political rights
324 The political process
325 International migration & colonization
326 Slavery & emancipation
327 International relations
328 The legislative process
330 Economics
331 Labor economics
332 Financial economics
333 Land economics
334 Cooperatives
335 Socialism & related systems
336 Public finance
337 International economics
339 Macroeconomics & related topics
340 Law
341 International law
342 Constitutional & administrative law
343 Military, tax, trade, industrial law
344 Social, labor, welfare, & related law
345 Criminal law
346 Private law
347 Civil procedure & courts
348 Law (Statutes), regulations, cases
349 Law of specific jurisdictions & areas
350 Public administration
351 Of central governments
352 Of local governments
353 of U.S. federal & state governments
354 Of specific central governments
355 Military science
356 Foot forces & warfare
357 Mounted forces & warfare
358 Other specialized forces & services
359 Sea (Naval) forces & warfare
360 Social services; association
361 General social problems & services
362 Social welfare problems & services
363 Other social problems & services
364 Criminology
365 Penal & related institutions
379 Government regulation, control, support
380 Commerce, communications, transport
381 Internal commerce (Domestic trade)
382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
383 Postal communication
384 Communications Telecommunication
385 Railroad transportation
386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation
387 Water, air, space transportation
388 Transportation Ground transportation
399 Customs of war & diplomacy
970 History of North America
971 Canada
972 Middle America; Mexico
973 United States
974 Northeastern United States
975 Southeastern United States
976 South central United States
977 North central United States
978 Western United States
979 Great Basin & Pacific Slope region
The majority of our Reference Books are dated in the Averyt Reading Room. As a result we depend on a variety of online database sources to good reference sources for students at a distance wanting government information:
CCH Intelliconnect
Ebsco Military & Government Collection
Ebsco Newspaper Source Plus
Ebsco Legal Collection
Ebsco Webnews
Gale Virtual Reference
LexisNexis Academic
Sage Knowledge and Sage Stats
If the information you are needing is not available through any of the sources above or through any of the linked sources provided on this Libguide then please contact our Megan Love at or call her at 785-248-2535 for help to secure an Interlibrary Loan.
The following books containing Government Information can be found in the Reference Section at the Gangwish Library:
Blackwell's Dictionary of Political Science
R 320.03 B36 b
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
R 320.03 Ox1k
Inflation Dynamics & Monetary Policy
R 322.41 F31w
Congressional Quarterly's Guide to Congress
R 328.73 C76co
Biographical Dictionary of the American Congress
R 320.73 G923
The supreme court justices
R 347.73 Su7c
The Constitution of the United States: analysis and interpretation
R 342.0273 C76c
Books in the Library Stacks can be checked out, however books marked as R cannot leave the library because they are Reference Books.