Visit the Myers Library Stacks or the Myers Library Reference Collection for Books on Philosophy:
100 Philosophy & psychology
101 Theory of philosophy
102 Miscellany of philosophy
103 Dictionaries of philosophy
105 Serial publications of philosophy
106 Organizations of philosophy
107 Education, research in philosophy
108 Kinds of persons in philosophy
109 Historical treatment of philosophy
110 Metaphysics
111 Ontology
113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
114 Space
115 Time
116 Change
117 Structure
118 Force & Energy
119 Number & quantity
120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
122 Causation
123 Determinism & indeterminism
124 Teleology
150-159 Psychology
160 Logic
161 Induction
162 Deduction
165 Fallacies & sources of error
166 Syllogisms
167 Hypotheses
168 Argument & persuasion
169 Analogy
170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
171 Systems & doctrines
172 Political ethics
173 Ethics of family relationships
174 Economic & professional ethics
175 Ethics of recreation & leisure
176 Ethics of sex & reproduction
177 Ethics of social relations
178 Ethics of consumption
179 Other ethical norms
180 Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy
181 Oriental philosophy
182 Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
183 Sophistic & Socratic philosophies
184 Platonic philosophy
185 Aristotelian philosophy
186 Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies
187 Epicurean philosophy
188 Stoic philosophy
189 Medieval Western philosophy
190 Modern Western philosophy
191 Modern Western philosophy United States & Canada
192 Modern Western philosophy British Isles
193 Modern Western philosophy Germany & Austria
194 Modern Western philosophy France
195 Modern Western philosophy Italy
196 Modern Western philosophy Spain & Portugal
197 Modern Western philosophy Soviet Union
198 Modern Western philosophy Scandinavia
199 Modern Western philosophy Other geographical areas
Find these Philosophy Reference Books on in the Reference Section at the Myers Library:
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology R 103 B19d
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy R 103 Ed9e
VHS's and DVD's related to Philosophy:
The Examined Life
VT 100 L5d
Ethics in Corporate America: a crisis of credibility
DVD 174 Et3r
Ethics and social responsibility
DVD 174.4 Et3v
Shell shock: the failure of corporate ethics
DVD 174.4 Sh4b
The power of forgiveness
DVD 179.9 P87d