The Myers Library has 70,000 e-books that can be downloaded to your e-device. To download Ebooks in Ebscohost follow the following instructions or watch the videos about searching for and downloading Ebsco Ebooks.
1. In Ebscohost click on eBooks Academic Collection. To download Ebsco Ebooks you MUST create a personal account in Ebscohost.
2. After conducting your search and finding the ebook you want to download
3. Click on the blue and white arrow button below the book: "Download (offline)"
4. You will be prompted to login to your Ebsco Account or to Create a new Account
5. Once you have logged in you will be prompted to view the requirements for Desktop, Apple, Ipad, Android and Kindle Downloads
6. If you click on download, you will be prompted that the checkout period is 5 days and the format is pdf
7. You will see a yellow button that allows you to "Checkout and Download" or "Cancel" your transaction
8. If you click checkout you will get a green prompt letting you know that "The ebook was checked out successfully!"
9. If you are saving the ebook to your desktop, it will open as a pdf and allow you to save it to your desktop
10. It will prompt you and let you know that it has been saved to your "Checkouts folder"
11. If you click on your checkout folder below your book will be the length of time you have on the checkout in hours and minutes
12. If you are saving to another device it will allow you to do that. Just follow the instructions given by the system
13. Once you have finished your checkout, you can log out of your personal account in Ebscohost.
Would you like to checkout E-books from Free Sites on the web? This website lists 20 of the best E-book sites where you can checkout for free.
To create a personal account go to the blue tab at the very top of the database interface
1. Find the white sign in link on the right hand side on the blue tab
2. If you already have a personal account in Ebscohost, login with your id and password for that account
3. If you do not have an account, click on the 'Create a New Account' link
4. Fill out all the information requested to create your account
5. Press the save changes button
6. Once an account is created for you you will have your own file folders in Ebscohost where you will be able to save searches and ebook checkouts
7. Don't forget to diarize your id and password that you have created, our OU Librarians cannot find those for you if you lose them.