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Anti-Plagiarism Guide for Faculty, Staff and Students: Ottawa University and Plagiarism

Providing anti-plagiarism sources for students, staff and faculty

Ottawa University Resources


It is important that instructors and adjuncts are aware that Blackboard has an anti-plagiarism tool. You can setup SafeAssign in your Blackboard shell and use this tool to scan your student papers for incidences of plagiarism. Links below provide SafeAssign Video Tutorials, but there are also Tutorials within Blackboard itself that can help you with the "How to's" of  SafeAssign.

Ottawa University academic honesty, academic integrity and plagiarism policies are also linked below to help instructobettunderstand university process and procedure.





Safe Assign and Blackboard

What is SafeAssign?

Safe Assign is the Plagiarism software program that is connected to Blackboard. Professors have the choice of whether or not to put your papers through SafeAssign. If they choose to do so, they will  upload your papers to Blackboard and check whether or not these have been plagiarized by setting up SafeAssign in Blackboard. A SafeAssign Report is created by the program which will provide them with information about the percentage of plagiarism in your paper and what exactly has been plagiarized.

Using SafeAssign in Blackboard


Video Tutorials


How to use SafeAssign

How to interpret your SafeAssign Report and Score

Ottawa University Plagiarism Policies and Resources