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Social Sciences and Human Services: Find Social Science and Human Services E-Books

Guide for students in Sociology, Social Anthropology and Human Services

Why was this LibGuide Created?

This LibGuide was created as a Guide for students in Sociology, Social Anthropology and Human Services and faculty in using the Myers Library's Collections to find Books, Online Reference and Regular Reference Books, Periodicals, Ebooks and Resources in these subject areas.

Social Science Encyclopedias and Dictionaries in CredoReference

Find Reference resources in the Social Sciences and Human Services in CredoReference. There are many more titles than these few listed below on Social Science topics available in online format:

Assorted Social Sciences Books in Ebscohost Academic Ebook Collection

Find Social Science and Human Services Books in Ebscohost Academic Ebook Collection. Here are just a few examples of the many titles available in the library ebook collections.

Library Guru

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Danielle O'Barto
Gangwish Library
Ottawa University
1001 S. Cedar St.
Ottawa, KS 66067

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