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Adding Security Exceptions to Access the Online Library Databases:

Internet Browser Tutorial for OU students, faculty and adjuncts.

Why add this guide?


To aid students in accessing the library databases that require security exception addition.

Adding Internet Browser Security Exceptions

If you are logged into the OU Portal and the Online Databases and experience browser security problems, please see the directions below for the Firefox and Chrome Browsers that you must follow in order to circumvent these problems.


  • When you click on one or two of the databases you might see a message that access to the database site  is not secure
  • Or you might see a line through the https on the website
  • Please do not worry about this message. Your computer will not be damaged in any way and the security problem is fixable.
  • Just go straight on to adding an exception on your computer
  • Once that exception is added on your computer you will be able to access the database link and enter the database you want to use
  • You may have different exception addition processes depending on which of the Internet browsers you are currently using


  • Please see the directions below for Firefox and Google Chrome Browsers: