The links added to this Libguide are just a beginning when it comes to grant resources that are available for individual research and organizational and community projects. Grants databases such as The Foundation Center Database are available in Public Libraries throughout Kansas for further in-depth grants-related research. The Foundation Database can only be accessed in the library from a library computer or via the library's wireless network.
American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes
Pathway seeks exceptional nominees from a broad range of disciplines, including medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. The Association encourages nomination of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including minorities that are underrepresented in research. For the purposes of this program, underrepresented minorities are defined as individuals of African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander descent.
The program seeks to identify extraordinary senior, junior, and emerging scholars; journalists; and public intellectuals pursuing scholarly research in these areas. As fellows, they dedicate their time and energy to work that distills knowledge, enriches our culture, and equips leaders in the realms of science, law, technology, business, and public policy.
Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
The Blavatnik National Awards honor America’s most innovative young faculty-rank scientists and engineers.These awards celebrate the past accomplishments and future potential of young faculty members working in three disciplinary categories of science and engineering. Every year, one nominee in each category will be named a Blavatnik Laureate and awarded $250,000 in unrestricted funds:
Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences. Based on institutional nominations, the program provides discretionary funding to faculty at an early stage in their careers. Criteria for selection include an independent body of scholarship attained in the early years of their appointment (see below), and a demonstrated commitment to education, signaling the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching. The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000.
Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics
The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics is a career development award to enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research. Each year about three Greenwall Faculty Scholars are selected to receive 50 percent salary support for three years to enable them to develop their research program. Applicants must be junior faculty members holding at least a 60% appointment in a tenure series or its equivalent at a university or non-profit research institute that has tax-exempt status in the United States. Priority will be given to applicants who have not yet been considered for tenure, who have not received a comparable career development award, and whose work will have an impact on public policy, biomedical research, or clinical practice.
Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship
The Kauffman Foundation established the Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship Research in 2008 to recognize tenured or tenure-track junior faculty members at accredited U.S. universities who are beginning to establish a record of scholarship and exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to the body of research in the field of entrepreneurship.
Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowships
Eligible candidates will be faculty members who were awarded doctorates within the last six to twelve years and whose research interests call for formal training in a discipline other than the one in which they are expert. Such training may consist of coursework or other programs of organized study. It may take place either at fellows' home institutions or elsewhere, as appropriate. Although it is anticipated that many fellows will seek to acquire deeper knowledge of other fields within the broadly defined sphere of the humanities and humanistic social sciences, proposals to study disciplines farther afield are eligible. The principal criteria for selection are: (1) the overall significance of the research, (2) the case for the importance of extra-disciplinary training for furthering the research, (3) the likely ability of the candidate to derive satisfactory results from the training program proposed, and (4) a well-developed plan for acquiring the necessary training within a reasonable period of time.
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) is a Presidential award established by the White House in 1995. The PAESMEM program is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Nominations, including self-nominations, are invited for "Individual" and "Organizational" PAESMEM awards. Individuals and organizations in all public and private sectors are eligible including industry, academia, K-12, military and government, non-profit organizations, and foundations. Exceptional STEM or STEM-related mentoring in both formal and/or informal settings is eligible for the PAESMEM award.
Pivot Funding Opportunities database
Worldwide funding opportunities from federal, foundation, and association sources.
Simons Foundation Investigator Program
Each year, the Simons Foundation invites nominations from universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland for the Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS), and Math+X Investigators programs. Simons Investigators are outstanding theoretical scientists who receive long-term research support from the Simons Foundation. The Math+X Investigators program is designed to encourage novel collaborations between mathematics and other fields in science or engineering.
AAUP Grants for Faculty Under Attack
In keeping with its mission to support principles of academic freedom and the quality of higher education in a free and democratic society, the AAUP Foundation welcomes grant applications from faculty impacted by the Trump Administration’s travel ban or by other threats to academic freedom. The Foundation accepts grant applications on a quarterly basis. The 2017 deadlines for each quarter are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Research grants that support studies to increase our understanding of suicide and test treatments and other interventions that save lives.
Baptist Community Ministries: The Grantsmanship Center
Ministerial grants from the Baptist Church. See Matthew 25 Grants also.
Grants for Christian Scholars (CCCU)
Networking Grants for Christian Scholars were created to encourage collaborative scholarship among faculty serving at our institutions and to connect these faculty with broader networks of scholars and professionals. The program’s goal is to create and disseminate high-quality scholarship that brings Christian voices into contemporary academic conversations. Those interested in receiving a grant can apply for two options:
Planning Grants: These one-year grants (ranging from $1,500 to $3,000 each) are awarded to teams of faculty wishing to plan their research projects. Initiative Grants: These three-year grants (totaling $18,000 each) are awarded to faculty teams who are going to implement their research projects.
Our mission is to provide grants, advocacy and education to support impact litigation on behalf of marginalized communities seeking economic, environmental, racial, and social justice
American Baptist Churches USA’s Matthew 25 Grant is designed to channel gifts to help meet the needs of “housing, feeding, education and health with regard to the less fortunate.” The Grant was created through the monetary gifts of a generous donor whose primary wish is to help ameliorate poverty. The ABCUSA Matthew 25 Grant fund was established to respond to this donor’s generosity. The application process is structured to help small ministries with limited staff time. Each applicant will need to complete the form, explain the need for and uses of the awarded funds, submit a budget for the ministry, and finally complete a report with stipulations detailing progress and outcomes related to the use of the grant. As the donor has asked that the funds be used to directly assist impoverished persons, staff positions will not be funded through this grant. Grant funds may not be used to supplement the church budget for such things as ongoing operating expenses or capital improvements. Direct ministries that receive funds from the church budget will be eligible to apply.
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF) has announced grants totaling $162,480 to one theater, six dance, and nine music ensembles from across the United States to support their engagements at 16 festivals in 12 countries around the globe through the first of three grant rounds of the 2018 USArtists International (USAI) program. USAI is a program of Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation with support from The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for support of artists from the Chicago area, and the Howard Gilman Foundation for support of New York City-based organizations.
National Endowment Financial Education
NEFE provides research funding for exploratory projects on personal finance and financial behaviors. We currently have several projects in progress, including research on young adults, debt, and the diminished capacity of aging Americans. Please check this page for information and updates for ongoing projects.
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Applicants for student research grants must have graduate student status during the term of the grant to be considered for funding. At the time of application, student applicants must be a member of the NSCA and all faculty co-investigators and applicants must have maintained continuous NSCA membership for at least one year prior to the grant application deadline as verified by the NSCA office.
Grants are for work on animal welfare causes.
The Schlumberger Foundation is an independent nonprofit entity that supports science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and recognizes the link between science, technology, and socio-economic development, as well as the key role of education in realizing individual potential.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA makes grant funds available through the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Center for Mental Health Services. Find funding opportunities that support programs for substance use disorders and mental illness, and learn about the grant application, review, and management process.
Grants of up to $30,000 are provided to help fund and support faculty with innovative ideas to create new or transform existing courses and programs to help students develop novel, STEM-based inventions and gain the necessary entrepreneurial skills needed to bring these ideas to market. Proposals for areas that will support the emerging generation of inventors and innovators and the i&e ecosystems critical to their success are sought. These focus on technology entrepreneurship, experimental learning to solve real world problems, technology inventions with positive social and economic impact.
These are grants supporting the needs of local communities and grants for non-profits .
Grants for Non-Profit organizations.
These Research Grants fund research that increases understanding in one of our two focus areas:
We seek research that builds stronger theory and empirical evidence in these two areas. We intend for the research we support to inform change. While we do not expect that any one study will create that change, the research should contribute to a body of useful knowledge to improve the lives of young people. Research grants about reducing inequality typically range between $100,000 and $600,000 and cover two to three years of support. Research grants about improving the use of research initiative will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 and cover two to four years of support. This shift to a million dollar ceiling reflects our renewed commitment to this focus area and our interest in funding bold, large-scale studies to significantly advance the field. Projects involving secondary data analysis are at the lower end of the budget range, whereas projects involving new data collection and sample recruitment can be at the higher end. Proposals to launch experiments in which settings (e.g., classrooms, schools, youth programs) are randomly assigned to conditions sometimes have higher awards.