The Orientation to the Academy class Weeks 6 and 7 are setup so that students have homework to complete before and after each of the classes. Week 6 and Week 7 class tabs below for more information. One of the homework assignments for Week 6 is to complete the ILAAP Pre-Test before the class.
These are links below are to the ILAAP Test (WASSAIL), an Information Literacy Post-Test to be taken prior to the Library's Orientation Session during the Orientation to the Academy course. The Pre-Test is an evaluation of where students are in terms of their Information Literacy skills.You may use either of the links below to start the evaluation.
Below are links for the ILAAP Test for students in the Orientation to the Academy class, available 8/21-10/14/17 (Pre-Test).
If you are enrolled in this course, click on one of the links below and follow the instructions for sign-up. Set aside 45 minutes for completing the test.
The Post-Test is given after the Writing in the Disciplines Course and is available 8/21-12/11/17 (Post-Test). If you did not take the Pre-Test in Orientation then please take the Pre-Test first and the Post-Test at the end of the Writing class to provide a valid assessment. You can use either of the links to start the test.
If you are in this class, click on either of the links and follow the instructions for sign-up and taking the test. Set aside 45 minutes for completing the test.
For Homework, prior to class in Week 6 students are asked to
1. Watch 3 two minute videos: “Library Tour, Part 1 and Part 2” (Still in process)
"Finding the OU Portal Pages"
2. Complete ILAAP Pre-test online before coming to class/or at the library. Links to the Test are available on the Gangwish Library Page and on this Libguide.
Below you will find links to a self-paced Information Literacy Course originally created for faculty and adjuncts, but this course can be used by students and faculty for their own self-development and professional development.
After the Week 6 Information Literacy class, complete the following assignments:
1. Two APA Worksheets:
An APA Citation Worksheet which is located at
and an APA References Assignment which is located at
2. Watch two, two minute videos
Finding peer-reviewed articles in Google Scholar
Finding scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in Ebscohost
For Homework after the Week 7 Information Literacy class please do the following:
1. Play the game “Goblin’s Threat” Plagiarism Game
2. Type a one page answer to the question below. The first page of your 1 page paper should have the following: An APA title page which includes page numbers, a running head, and your name, the professors name and the class information. Here is an example of an APA title page. On page 2 please type the answer to the question below:
What did the game teach you about plagiarism? What is plagiarism and why should a college student avoid it?
3. Complete the Plagiarism worksheet "So you think you know what plagiarism is?" Which is located at
Assignments should be sent through Blackboard to your professor for this class.
Anti-Plagiarism Libguide
APA Libguide
Database Searching Libguide
Introduction to the Gangwish Library Libguide
MLA Libguide
Writing a research paper