As a rule of thumb, students should always record the following information when working with sources:
1) Name of Author 2) Title of Work 3) Year or Date of Publication 4) Publisher 5) Place of Publication
The information required for a proper citation can vary, though, so it’s important to follow the specific model for a given source type. You can find numerous examples of citations and examine sample papers in this guide.
Here is a Quick Reference Guide for the APA 7th Edition
In APA, writers must use the author-date style to cite each source they use. These citations can be written in essentially two different ways.
Using the Author's Name in a Sentence:
ex. Marten (2010) argues that breed specific legislation has not lessened the number of incidents related to dog aggression (p. 76).
Without Using Author's Name in a Sentence:
ex. Breed specific legislation has not lessened the number of incidents related to dog aggression (Marten, 2010, p. 76).
Quotations should always be preceded by a tag or signal phrase that introduces readers to quoted material.
Using the Author's Name in a Sentence:
ex. According to Marten (2010), such "fears and fundamental misunderstandings have led to a culture where genocide appears acceptable" (p. 78).
Without Using Author's Name in a Sentence:
ex. Over the past several decades, these "fears and fundamental misunderstandings have led to a culture where genocide appears acceptable" (Marten, 2010, p. 78).
Long quotations (40 words or more) should be presented as a block of text. The block of text should not be enclosed in quotation marks, as it is designated as a quote by virtue of the block format.
ex. Marten (2010) makes the following conclusion:
In the end, the unfounded, stereotypical assumptions driving breed
specific legislation cause considerably more harm than good. These
laws have proven to be wrong-headed and roundly ineffectual when
it comes to preventing incidents tied to canine aggression. They have
also proven to be nothing short of cruel by stripping families of their
well-behaved companions and destroying those same companions
without just consideration. (p. 82)
Notes about Quoting, Paraphrasing and APA 7th Edition Rules
APA Most Notable Changes 7th Edition (ECU Libguides)
Book, Single Author
McLuhan, M. (1994). Understanding the media: The extensions of man. Boston: MIT Press.
Book, Multiple Authors
Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C. & Fulker, D. W. (1988). Nature and nurture during infancy and early
childhood. New York: Cambridge University Press. will become
Plomin, R. et al. (1988). Nature and nurture during infancy and early
childhood. New York: Cambridge University Press.
...provided that you already have this citation in your Reference List. If the citation is not in your list of references, it cannot be cited in your paper.
Electronic Book/ Electronic Version of Print Book
Speed, H. (2004). The practice and science of drawing. Retrieved from
Book with Editor
Wagner, V. (Ed.). (2007). Eating disorders. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
Essay or Chapter in an Edited Book
Labajo, J. (2003). Body and voice: The construction of gender in flamenco. In T. Magrini (Ed.), Music
and gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean (pp. 67-86). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
Entry in a Reference Work
Kennedy, C. (2008). Bipolar scale. In P. J. Lavrakas (Ed.), Encyclopedia of survey research methods.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Journal Article, Single Author
Lickliter, R. (2008). The growth of developmental thought: Implications for a new evolutionary psychology.
New Ideas in Psychology, 26(3), 353-369.
Journal Article, Multiple Authors
Harvey, M., Treadway, D., Heames, J. T., & Duke, A. (2009). Bullying in the 21st century global
organization: An ethical perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(1), 27-40.
Electronic Journal Article, Single Author, DOI Assigned
Feldt, R. (2008). Development of a brief measure of college stress: The college student stress scale.
Psychological Reports, 102, 855-860. doi:10.2466/PR0.102.3.855-860
Hess, D.W. (2012). The impact of religiosity on personal financial decisions. Journal of Religion and
Society, 14. Retrieved from
Newspaper Article, Single Author
Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today,
pp. 1A, 2A.
Online Newspaper Article, Single Author
Fraenkel, C. (2012, September 2). In praise of the clash of cultures. The New York Times. Retrieved
American Psychological Association. (2012). APA concise dictionary of psychology (Version 1.0)
[Mobile application software]. Retrieved from
Audio (Podcast)
Kavanaugh, P. B. (Presenter). (2009, August 30). On culture and institutions: Storytelling and
psychoanalysis [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
Video/ DVD
Lennon, T. (Producer). (2004). Battle of the bulge [DVD]. United States: WGBH Boston Video.